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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Give You Faith

So these are my absolute world! 

I mean, don't get me wrong, at times I feel like giving them both away but when the day is over and they are sound asleep in bed, I love them more than I ever imagined possible.

So last night I popped out to see if I could find something to wear to an event that I am going to at the weekend - this was not a successful shopping trip by the way...Its funny how much of a novelty it is getting out on my own for an hour, not listening to songs that involve tractors, trains and excavators (Freddie's personal favourite), not having to leave a shop because Freddie has decided he doesn't want to be in it so he growls at everyone that looks at him. Sorry, I digress! 

So on my way I was listening to a new album by Laura Story and a song came on called "Give you Faith" and my word did it blow me away! It is such a beautiful song and the words actually moved me to tears!

You see, I would give my boys the whole world if I could, I would do and give them anything they wanted but the most important thing that I can give them is something that can't be bought - its FAITH and it's HOPE! I will disappoint my boys and I will let them down but there is One who will never fail them and who will carry them through every storm with a love greater than mine! 

Have a wee read at the lyrics of this song and if you want to have a listen to it click here

                                                               "Give You Faith"

I see your tiny face
Your fingers wrapped in mine
And I wonder how I'll raise
This precious gift of life
I'd give you all my money
But you can't buy what you'd need
I'd show you all the world
But more than anything

I wanna give you faith
I wanna leave you hope
That you would know a love that
Never let's you go
More than wisdom or wealth,
More than happiness or health,
May you say I gave you faith

I'm gonna let you down
I'm gonna disapoint
But there's a love I found
That's sturdy in the storm
The very God who formed you
Gives grace enough for us
And though I won't be perfect
I'll teach you to trust

Oh, and there will come a day
When you question everything
And the very ground beneath you
Starts to shake
That all I can offer is a prayer from far away
To the One who's never left you

He will give you faith
He'll give you hope
He'll be the love that will never let you go

Oh how I pray that I will be able to say this about my boys - that they too will know the love of God!


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