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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Being ME!

Being ME!
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
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Turning 30 has changed me.

I have spent the last 25 years (I don't remember pre school years) wanting and dreaming to be popular.

Hating that my shyness made me seem stuck up and unapproachable.

Hating that my laugh could be irritating, as one "friend" kindly pointed out behind my back.

Hating that I always felt like an outsider and desperately just wanting to be cool! 

Then came the age of social media! 

Oh boy!

Sometimes it is as bad as being in school - only you can't hear my laugh! 

Where we are judged on how many followers we have, who has the prettiest photos, who has the most instagrammable home, cutest kids...the list could go on! 

But I became hooked! 

Trying all the tips and tricks to get more build my social following. 

And to what gain?

Ok yes, I have made new connections and my little account it slowly growing but I was becoming obsessed...
and the truth is that the posts that got the most likes were ones that I didn't plan out. Just normal, everyday posts. Posts of the real me! The stay at home mum me. The crap housewife me. The one who loves her kids to bits me. The lover of all things grey me. JUST ME! 

This is something that I have been thinking about for a few weeks now!

You see, what I want you to see from my Instagram and this blog is ME!

I will probably never have thousands of followers...
I will probably never have that perfect Insta house...
I will probably never have this whole motherhood thing nailed...

But what I do want you to see is someone who is
a little strange...

I want you to see ME! 

I don't like people based on what they have...I like people based on who they are! 

So really, I am OK with not being popular, because if being popular means that I have to compromise being ME then I'm not interested! 

I have had enough of not feeling "good enough"!
Because what I have is ENOUGH! 

So follow me, unfollow me, like me, don't like me...thats up to you! 

I'll just be here in my corner raising my boys and building my home - for us, not for Instagram! 

Friday, May 18, 2018

Dear New Mum...

Dear New Mum...
Friday, May 18, 2018
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I don't really remember a whole lot about the early days after Freddie was born. Its all still quite fuzzy. What I do remember though, is that no text book or online expert was going to prepare me for the reality of life as a new mum! 

I felt like I was drowning. 

Drowning in the enormity of the responsibility now lying in my arms.
Drowning in sleepless nights.
 Drowning in the constant feeding.
Drowning in anxiety.
Drowning in dirty nappies. (I mean, come on, who knew one tiny human could poo THAT much)
Drowning in too many 'Not a clue what I'm doing here' moments.

But above all of that...

Drowning in the deep, deep  love I had for my new little human! 

Who even knew a love like that was possible? 

I am only two and a half years into motherhood - I'm no expert! Flip, I learn about ten new things every day! Toddler life is not to be underestimated - never mind throwing a new brother into the mix! Poor Freddie! 

But I would love to share with you FIVE things that I have learnt since I became a mum!

Yes! You! I mean, you have just given birth! Maybe you had a difficult start to motherhood. Maybe your wee one needed some extra care after he/she was born. Maybe you are still recovering from a traumatic birth experience.  It takes super-human strength to get through those first few weeks and months of motherhood. You will get there! You, new mum, are AMAZING!

I think I must say at least five times a day, "I can't do this", "I'm not cut out for motherhood", "I am failing my kids" and I need to STOP! Motherhood is a JOURNEY and it take a lifetime. I would say that my own Mum would admit she still hasn't got it sussed! Here's the thing, we are only human.  we will make mistakes.  we will feel overwhelmed. we will feel like running away. Thats OK! That's motherhood for you! But, what I am saying is, don't sweat the small stuff. Its no joke raising kids. Its a lot harder than those self-help books make out! Give yourself a break! You are doing a heck of a lot better than you give yourself credit for! 

After Freddie was born I felt like I was constantly saying YES to things that I wanted to say NO to. Yes, you can nurse my sleeping baby. Yes, you can come to my house the day after I have given birth. Yes, Yes, Yes.
Second time round? I have been saying NO a lot more. You have to do what is best for you and your baby. If that means you have to become a social hermit for a few months, so be it. If it means unintentionally offending friends and family, so be it! You and your new baby come first! 

Sorry for the negativity with this one! But its the truth! So many people told me it would get easier - wee liars! LOL
It doesn't get easier because the challenges keep changing! 
Just when you think you have nailed one thing, they throw you another ball! 
What does happen though, is that you find the strength you need to keep going! 
You learn so much in that first year, never mind in the years to follow. 
I don't think I will every say this is easy! 

For every poonami, I raise you that first smile.
For every sleepless night, I raise you that first giggle.
For every tantrum, I raise you that first "mama".
You get the gist! 

I recently read something that said, 

"Motherhood is messy,
and challenging,
and crazy,
and sleepless,
and giving, 
and still unbelievably,

I totally second that! 

Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Wednesday, May 16, 2018
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"A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there"

Recently, l had started to think that all chat about "stepping out of your comfort zone" was so cliche. In fact, that phrase really started to bug me. I felt like I had done all my being brave and trying new things in my teens and twenties. I had found my "safe place" and just was not interested in doing things that made me feel uncomfortable or anxious. I'm thirty now for goodness sake.

That was just me talking myself out of doing anything that made me feel remotely insecure.

Well that was all going to change.

God had a different plan.

It's always the way with me.

The things I say I am not going to do, they are always the things that I end up doing.

You see, I had lost my brave!

I have been so involved in being "mummy" that I lost "Grace" along the way. Being "Mum" is my safe place you see. I feel needed, I feel wanted, I feel fulfilled in that role. I wouldn't change it for the world.

After I had Freddie, it was mum guilt that stopped me doing anything  I was so riddled with postpartum anxiety that I couldn't focus on anything else - it beginning to become detrimental to my marriage and my family life. I needed to make a change. I needed to  start doing things just for me, whether that was simply popping out to do a grocery shop alone, meeting a friend for coffee, having a shopping day with my mum. I needed time for me. You might be reading this and think that it was selfish of me, but as mothers we need to look after ourselves. We need those thirty minutes of quiet, of sanity, that time to think, that chat with a friend, that hour spent at the gym, we need to refresh and we need to find ourselves again amongst the nappies, and feeds, and endless washing.

I was happy in that safe place.
Content with the small changes

Then I had Alex.
Two children...twice the work, twice the washing, twice the stress, twice the love.

But I was determined. Determined that I would look after myself better this time. I would trust my husband with the boys and I would take time for myself and do something scary at least once a month. I needed to. I did not want to find myself in that downward spiral again.

I am so glad that I did.
I am so glad that I have found my brave again.

Brave enough to start this blog. Brave enough to meet a group of complete strangers for coffee, brave enough to even talk to someone I don't know, brave enough to sign up for a workshop alone, brave enough to share snippets of my life, my family and my faith. Brave enough to open myself up to criticism and brave enough to follow God's leading.

I listened to my heart and to that still, small voice of God, prompting me to do things that scared me.

Without faith in God, I don't think I would have been able to do any of those things. You see, my strength comes from the Lord. On my own I am nothing but a wimp. I believe I am at a new stage of growth in my relationship with the Lord. That I am connecting with people and really clicking with a few of them for a reason.

 This is an exciting season of life.

I am ready for more challenges.

I am ready for more growth.

I am ready to be brave!

(The image at the top is the photo I shared the day after #cuppaforkindness meetup. This is my reminder that I can do these things, that I can step out and do the things that scare me the most.) 
Friday, May 11, 2018

Beauty: Is it really only skin deep?

Beauty: Is it really only skin deep?
Friday, May 11, 2018
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(Song of Solomon 4:7)

God spoke to me through these four simple words...


You see, it got me thinking - what is it that makes someone beautiful?

Is it the way they wear their hair?
Is it their perfect complexion?
Is it their stylish clothes?
Is it their immaculate makeup?
Is it their bronzed skin?
Is it their perfect teeth?
Is it the way they can captivate a room full of people?

What exactly is it that makes someone BEAUTIFUL?

Now,  while all of these qualities are great and I mean, I wish that I was all of the above, I think that it can be so easy to focus on the exterior beauty and we can forget that true beauty radiates from within.

I never would have been an overly confident person and I have always been shy, so when I lost my left eye when I was 13 my confidence took a really big knock. I refused to look at myself properly in the mirror. I would focus on other things when I looked and I became obsessed with my hair. I would say I have probably had it dyed every colour possible! I was so self conscious and I would say that I still am - especially when it comes to meeting new people - it actually gives me anxiety! 

It has now been 17 years since that happened and it has been 17 long years of really beating myself up about how I look, wishing too much that I was more like other people. I rarely take selfies and when I do I just take one look and cringe. I really am that self conscious! It really is true that you can learn so much from your children. You see, when Freddie looks at me, he doesn't see those imperfections, he doesn't see the things that I hate...he just sees ME and he loves ME.

Isn't that the same as our Heavenly Father? Doesn't the Bible teach us that "Man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart"? What should our main focus then be? On our outward beauty? Or on true beauty that should radiate from within?

Now don't get me wrong, I don't even think that I am that beautiful of a person on the inside, in fact, I would say I spend 90% of the time really not even liking myself that much!

Now please, I'm not writing this because I feel sorry for myself, or because I want people to tell me that I am something that I know I am not. The point of this post is because writing this all down is a way to help me focus on areas of my life where I could be more 'beautiful'. 

I want God to look at me and say "Grace, you are beautiful in EVERY way" 

I want my words to be beautiful.
I want my attitude to be beautiful.
I want my actions to be beautiful.

Do I speak truth? Do I encourage? Am I kind? Am I gentle in spirit? Am I positive? Am I loving? Am I modest? Am I humble? Am I kind? Do I go out of my way for others? Do I put others first? 

Wow! The list is endless! 

So back to the question in the title of this post...Beauty, is it really only skin deep?

Don't get me wrong, I love a good pampering and to feel good about myself, 
but I don't  think that beauty is really only skin deep - I think that as women (and men) of God,  we should be striving to be attractive from the inside out! There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking after ourselves and striving for outer beauty. What I am saying is that shouldn't be our focus! 

I love this verse from 1 Peter 3 and with this I finish my rambling...

... the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.
(1 Peter 3:4)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Tuesday, May 8, 2018
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It was April 1st 2015, I had just been out with my family for dinner and to see Cinderella in the cinema! I was driving home and suddenly I couldn't breath! I could hardly see the road in front of me! I was having my first ever panic attack! I mean, I've always been a nervous/anxious type but never like this! I remember phoning my Auntie when I finally made it home that night and she said "You could be pregnant" - I sort of laughed it off, grabbed a cup of sugary tea and went to bed!

But the anxiety didn't leave me - first of all the doctor thought it was vertigo, I was so dizzy but when I was in a crowd of people I was sure I was going to pass out and the panic would set in again.

Then I was late...but the pregnancy test was were the next 11 that I took! Finally, two weeks later I got my first positive.

I couldn't believe it! I mean we had been married all of what, five minutes? Ok, it was five weeks! But I was pregnant? Seriously? ME? I'm not going to first reaction to the positive test was sheer panic! Ok, yes I was 27, I did want to have children but this soon? Do you want to know what my husbands reaction was? "Oh! Flip, We will need to get a new car!" Men!

Once the reality set it and I had shared our news with close friends and family, I started to get excited! I mean I was totally overwhelmed with the responsibility of growing this little one and bringing them into the world but I couldn't wait!

(8 weeks pregnant at a friends wedding)

 My due date was 28th December 2015 - a little Christmas baby!

(It's a boy! 20 week scan)

I was so sick with this pregnancy - right up until about 20 weeks and it was at this stage, when the sickness eased, that I really started to enjoy my pregnancy! I couldn't wait to find out what I was having, deep down I was really, really hoping for a boy...and there he was in all his glory! My wee Freddie!

So fast forward to 27th December 2015 - I had gotten a phone call the day before to say that I was to make my way to the Induction bay at the Ulster Hospital for 11am where I would be induced (I just want to point out here that I wasn't overdue, and this wasn't for medical reasons either - simply my consultant was working that day and he didn't see the need for me to wait any longer - I would never do that again!). So I had the pessary inserted (Oh dear goodness, the pain!) and then began the long wait!

(The morning I was induced - not technically my due date!)

One of the midwives working in the bay that day said to me, "Oh you will probably have to have your waters broken in the morning because I believe it was difficult for you to have the pessary inserted" - I felt like saying "Yea well when someone is almost elbow deep in there it isn't exactly comfortable!" So we decided to take a walk over to McDonalds and get some lunch before anything really kicked off! I began to have some twinges but thought it was my imagination - sure the midwife pretty much said nothing would happen today!

We went back up onto the bay and tried to put the afternoon in reading magazines, playing uno, chatting about what we were going to do when we got the baby home. At about 5pm the twinges were really making me uncomfortable so I was offered co-codamol but I could tell they weren't really taking me seriously! Stuart was sent home at 10pm and by this stage my contractions were coming quite regularly, I was sitting rocking back and forward in a chair with a hot water bottle, counting and breathing my way through them!

Eventually, the midwife that had come on for the night shift, took a look at me and said she would hook me up to the trace to see what was going on, and sure enough I WAS having real contractions so it was time for an examination ... Oh the joy!

On first inspection, she turned to me and said, "have you had your cervix sewn shut?" What the actual flip?? The panic in my face told her I hadn't!! So she hooked me up with some gas and air and finally some good news - I was 5cm! I was planning a water birth so I was taken up to Home from Home where the rest of my story would take place!

After some initial checks, Stuart on his way back over, the birthing pool being filled, I had my first big whopper of a contraction that quite literally took my breath away! I remember during one of these contractions Stuart saying to me "Flip I've got shocking heartburn" and the midwife responded with "Probably best you don't speak when she is having contractions" - as if I cared about his heartburn!

I was helped into the birthing pool and it took me a bit of shifting to find a position that I could manage my contractions in! The midwives kept offering me gas and air but I didn't like the way it made me feel when I was in the water so I just kept counting and breathing! I was sitting with my back up against the side of the pool with my legs straight out in front and when a contraction would start to build I would push myself up with my arms so my bum was off the bottom of the pool and I would hold this for however long the contraction lasted! This was like a really intense workout - I couldnt work out why the muscles in my arms and shoulders really ached for days!

This went on for hours and at one point I actually dosed off while Stuart was stroking my hair! The next I looked at the clock it was 8.30am. The midwives had just changed over when I said "I think I need to push" - the midwife got me to turn over onto my knees and sure enough - there was his head starting to crown! It was at this stage that Stuart took the fear and announced he was heading to McDonalds to get breakfast! The midwife stopped him in his tracks - I couldn't have cared less what he was doing but he was NOT leaving that room! The next half hour was spent pushing on each contraction and finally at 9:09am my little, or should I say, big bundle of joy was placed into my arms!

It was such a weird but beautiful experience seeing him come up out of the water - although by this stage it was really just a murky pool of blood (please excuse the graphic description)! It was at this stage that my consultant made an appearance and had the lovely job of sewing me up! I had quite a tear due to the size of my baby - Oh yes I forgot to mention that he was 9lb 1oz!

(Freddie - 2hrs old) 
We were given some tea and toast and left alone with our new baby to get some "rest" before our first visitors would arrive to meet our wee Freddie! I remember the look on my Mum and brother's (Mark) face when they walked in and saw him! It was priceless!

(Mark with Freddie) 

We got to leave the hospital the next day (29th) and I couldn't wait to get home to have a proper shower and a nap - Freddie didn't sleep very well the previous night and my Mum was coming down to stay a few days so I had plenty of help with feeding and cuddles!

(Mum with Freddie) 

I have to say, I had a very positive birth experience - including being induced! I had heard so many negative stories and I was really petrified! I think I really did benefit from the active birth workshop and I was determined to have a water birth - as long as my body let me and if there were no complications as well.

We decided to name him Frederic Alan William McDowell but he would always been known as Freddie - that is unless he is being naughty! Alan is my grandfathers name and both of our Dad's are called William so that was an easy one!

I would love to say that I fell into motherhood easily, that I loved every minute of that first year, but that would be a big fat lie! This is something that I will touch upon in another post, if I get the nerve to write about it because it really was a dark, difficult time. Oh boy I loved my baby but I didn't love myself or what it did to me, my body and my hormones! For the best part of a year I struggled with being a mother and its not that I would say now that I have it together - I mean for the most part I'm losing way more battles than I am winning but I have learned to accept, with God's help, who I am, what my role is and I'm constantly seeking guidance from above!

I would really love to hear some of your birth experiences! Where you induced? Did you have a C-Section? How did you feel after your first baby? Did you experience PNA/PND?

(Freddie's first birthday - that wee face!)

(My terrible two year old! Oh I love him really!) 
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Give You Faith

Give You Faith
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
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So these are my absolute world! 

I mean, don't get me wrong, at times I feel like giving them both away but when the day is over and they are sound asleep in bed, I love them more than I ever imagined possible.

So last night I popped out to see if I could find something to wear to an event that I am going to at the weekend - this was not a successful shopping trip by the way...Its funny how much of a novelty it is getting out on my own for an hour, not listening to songs that involve tractors, trains and excavators (Freddie's personal favourite), not having to leave a shop because Freddie has decided he doesn't want to be in it so he growls at everyone that looks at him. Sorry, I digress! 

So on my way I was listening to a new album by Laura Story and a song came on called "Give you Faith" and my word did it blow me away! It is such a beautiful song and the words actually moved me to tears!

You see, I would give my boys the whole world if I could, I would do and give them anything they wanted but the most important thing that I can give them is something that can't be bought - its FAITH and it's HOPE! I will disappoint my boys and I will let them down but there is One who will never fail them and who will carry them through every storm with a love greater than mine! 

Have a wee read at the lyrics of this song and if you want to have a listen to it click here

                                                               "Give You Faith"

I see your tiny face
Your fingers wrapped in mine
And I wonder how I'll raise
This precious gift of life
I'd give you all my money
But you can't buy what you'd need
I'd show you all the world
But more than anything

I wanna give you faith
I wanna leave you hope
That you would know a love that
Never let's you go
More than wisdom or wealth,
More than happiness or health,
May you say I gave you faith

I'm gonna let you down
I'm gonna disapoint
But there's a love I found
That's sturdy in the storm
The very God who formed you
Gives grace enough for us
And though I won't be perfect
I'll teach you to trust

Oh, and there will come a day
When you question everything
And the very ground beneath you
Starts to shake
That all I can offer is a prayer from far away
To the One who's never left you

He will give you faith
He'll give you hope
He'll be the love that will never let you go

Oh how I pray that I will be able to say this about my boys - that they too will know the love of God!


Introducing....Oh, it's just me!

Introducing....Oh, it's just me!

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Ive been thinking about starting a blog for ages now but I guess that I didn't have the nerve to do it! Truth be told I was a wee bit embarrassed that people who know me will think that I am trying to be something that I'm not! But guess what? Believe me, I know I'm not!

This little blog is my way of keeping a journal of what goes on behind my blue door - the trials and triumphs of motherhood, my daily struggle of being a "housewife", my journey with God and everything in between. 

But first things first...I thought I would introduce myself by sharing 15 facts about me...brace yourself though...I'm super interesting! (LOL)

  1. My name is Grace and I'm married to Stuart
  2. I am 30 (Can't believe I am writing that!)
  3. I am a SAHM - we have two boys Frederic and Alexander (or Freddie & Alex - I just like to pretend to be posh sometimes!) 
  4. I am a believer and my faith is God is so important to me! I'm learning every day! 
  5. We built our forever home in 2015 (The same year we got married and had our first baby!)
  6. I am a trained secondary school teacher (RE)
  7. I am TERRIFIED of dogs!! 
  8. We have two cats (also scared of them too! - Geoffrey & Joey! 
  9. I am originally from Lurgan but now live in the countryside just outside Downpatrick
  10. I am super shy (some would say socially awkward) but I'm trying to put myself out there to meet new people
  11. I am ridiculously obsessed with every and any "Real Housewives" show! (Particularly New York)
  12. I lived in Poland for almost a year after University and learnt to speak Polish (by no means fluently but I got by)
  13. I have a candle & mug obsession! Thats my favourite kind of present!
  14. I hate skirts & dresses - I only wear them if I have to! (I'm trying to change this!)
  15. I lost my left eye in a firework accident when I was 13 (but thats a blogpost in itself!)
So thats pretty much all there is to know about little old me! 

Im looking forward to starting out on this little blogging journey and I hope that you enjoy reading along! 


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