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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Stay at Home Mum - Are you Nuts?

"So what do you work as?'
"Oh, nothing as such, I'm a Stay at Home Mum..."


This statement is usually met one of two ways.
It is either, "Oh thats brilliant" and a myriad of positive affirmations and well wishes.
It is "Are you nuts?" or something to that effect, followed up with well meaning advice about how I would be better getting a job.


Now, while I obviously favour response numero uno, I am also fully understanding of response two...I just don't like it as much.
You see, for us as a family, we have chosen for me to stay at home.
It is a privilege that we don't need me to go to work.
I mean, I could, but that would just be to pay someone else to look after my children.
My husband works so flipping hard and does so that I am able to be at home.
Saying to me "What you really need is a job..." doesn't offend me but it does make me feel like what I do isn't valued at times, it shows me that maybe people don't understand our situation and at times I do get the feeling that maybe I'm not doing a good enough job and someone could do it better. I think all of those things myself without needing other people to say/think it too! 


I used to sort of panic when people asked me what I do  because I didn't know how they would react. I would give a full blown explanation about how I was a teacher and I subbed for years before taking a job as a classroom assistant in a school that I really loved...blah blah blah.
Why did I do that? I have no idea really. Maybe I cared too much about what people thought?  Maybe I was embarrassed to say 'Oh, I'm just at home with the boys.'


Is it easy being at home? Eh, No!
Do I regularly search through job sites? Eh, you bet ya I do!
Do I need a break sometimes? Doesn't everybody?
Am I not bored at home? Don't really have time to be!


Somedays I would love to hand these two boys over to someone else and allow them to deal with all the tantrums, and tears, and fall outs, and screaming...oh believe me, somedays I dream of it! 
However, for now, in this season, this is where I am meant to be. And thats exactly what this is, a season, a season that will soon be past. One day, both these boys will be at school and I will enter into another season, but for now, I am going to cherish these days. I might complain too much about a certain toddler, I might look worse for wear most days, I maybe DO need a break but these two boys have given me more than any job EVER could! 


Freddie made me a Mum
Alex has strengthened me as a Mum
I have never been the same
I will never be the same 
I wouldn't want it any other way

I'm not ashamed to say it now...
What do I do?
I'm a Stay at Home Mum
And I'm proud of it!


  1. Yes! Go Grace! You don't need to be embarrassed to say it, this is you got this season, embrace it and treasure day you will look back and see the influence you have been on your 2 boys....go Grace! x

  2. I love this Ive been a sahm for 9 and a half years my youngest will start school next year. I have dabbled in part time work for a year but oh my word is it hectic. I just adored those first years no school times to keep to just our own wee routines and I now dream of a long day stretching ahead with no place we need to go... but of course then I felt I needed to do things to keep busy x


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